Monday, August 13, 2012

Breaking the Binkie Addiction (Part 1)

So the time has come where I am going to ATTEMPT to get Kensley off her "binky addiction". This is a bittersweet moment and something I honestly in my heart don't want to do right now but I guess I'll give it a shot. I've always believed that when a toddler didn't want to use their pacifier any more they would stop, apparently they don't. Kensley will tell you about her day with her pacifier clinched between her teeth, so I guess that's a sign to start ending the relationship between baby and their first love,Binkie.
As Kensley sits here playing now she has her pacifier in her mouth, talking to her baby..... How do I do this?
If her pacifier falls out if her mouth in the middle of the night she wakes up and calls for it. "Binkyyyy.......Binkyyyyy.......Binkyyyy" and I always go find it and give it to her. I have a feeling this is going to make for long nights. I dont think she'll understand the concept of, "Give Mommy your binky, you're a big girl now and don't need it anymore". Although, they all understand more than we think they do. I'm so torn on how to handle this. I am going to start with her nap today I guess. When she falls asleep I'll take it and see how long she'll go without it. I need some prayers. I don't know who will take this the hardest between the two of us. Hahahaha This is just another confirmation that she isnt a baby anymore and that she is growing up WAY too fast! I'll give an update later and let you all know how nap time went without binky. **sigh**

Well, that didn't go over so well. I told her that Elmo,her second love, came and collected all of her binkies for the babies that didn't have any. She said, "Ok Momma". So I took her and put her in her bed and she immediately starts asking for her binkie, I explained the Elmo story again, but she wasnt having it. So I gave her a binkie she fell asleep and I tried to take it. Within 30 seconds she was awake calling for it. So, I gave it back. This I feel will be a long process. I am in my own scavenger hunt right now trying to hunt down all her pacifiers and put them in a bag and tell her Elmo needs them and I guess go from there. I'm still looking for little tricks online from other Moms on how to break the habit. We'll see how all this plays out I guess. hahahaha


  1. maybe put just a few there next to Elmo and have her GIVE Elmo one and make him react to her giving it to him...I think IF she sees Elmo as the Keeper of the Binkies,she may handle it better cuz afterall she LOVES Elmo

    1. What I told her worked. She was fine with Elmo taking the binkies and giving them to babies who need them. I gave it to her for bedtime lastnight and took it this morning and she hasn't asked for it yet. If she wants it at night here the first few weeks. She's doing good though. :)

  2. I will be praying for you that it goes well.

    With Riley I took it from her and said that we lost it. :( How mean, right? That night was horrible, so I went and got it and she was happy and went to bed. The next day I did it again at her nap time. This time I did NOT give it to her. I let her cry it out. (made me cry) But she went to sleep and slept well. That night she asked for it and I told her that we dont have it. She cried for a little while but after giving her a bear to sleep with she went right to sleep. We never gave her the passy again. Till this day she doesnt use one and she is now 27 months old. (We got rid of bottle at 1 year old and passy at 2).

    Now that her bubba is here and uses a passy, she asks about it alot and tries to run off with it, sometimes succeeding. LOL But she never puts it in her mouth or wants one to go to sleep with. Benton doesnt use the passy a lot, nor does he use his thumb(yet). I hope we dont get a thumb sucker. Cant take those away. HAHA We are going to attempt to do the same thing with bottle and passy with Benton. Hope it works.

    Again I pray for you that it goes well. Its never easy to take something from your child that they are attached to and watch them cry.

    Love, Amber

    1. Hey girl. I told her Elmo came and got all her binkies for the babies who don't have any and she was fine, until bedtime lol. But I am going to let her have it at night and naptime the first few weeks. Her two year molars are coming in so I'm not just going to take it away right now. She weaned herself basically from her bottle at 10 months so I'm hoping this will be as easy. But I know it'll take some work.
      Hope everything is going well with all of you. Give the kids my love.
      Love Y'all.
