Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rainy Fun Day

We woke up to stormy weather this morning. First thing we do when we have thunder rumbling is to give Fuzz Cakes a Xanax. She has storm phobia. Really, anything that makes a loud noise phobia. Its pitiful. This is Fuzz Cakes drugged up. :( :(

After we give Fuzz her medicine we decided to set up a mini photo shoot. We always have so much fun and go all out with them, but since this was spur of the moment, its just simple.  Here are a few of my favorites from today.

                                                                Trying to cross her legs! :o)
        Reading to her animals. So sweet.
                Tea Time with Abigail

 After our photoshoot Boo had to take a nap. Fun Fun! By the time she got up from her nap the weather cleared up a bit but still too wet to go out and play. So what do you do when you have to stay in doors? DANCE! ;o) We had a blast! She gets so tickled and laughs the whole time, you can't help but have a smile on your face. I love being her mommy.

                                                           Yahna just watches. Never joins in. lol

 That pretty much sums up our rainy day, other than a Wal Mart trip! hahaha Nobody likes to talk about that! I hope you all have a safe and wonderful rest of your day. May God Bless each and every one of you.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Stay at Home Mommy

I think people have a misconceived notion about SAHMs (stay-at-home-moms). A lot of people see us as sitting on our bohunkus' all day and throwing food at our kids when it's time to eat. Most people have a 9-5 job, you go to work with basically the same routine, have a few breaks in between working and socializing with co-workers then it's off to your house to rest and do it all over again the next day. SAHMs don't have it quite that easy, believe it or not. ;) We are working 24 hours a day 7 days a week with very few "breaks", if that's what you want to call them and almost no adult interaction other than with your spouse. We don't get paid over time pay, holiday pay or have time off. We are always on call. We are the Mommy, the nurse, the cook, the maid, the life coach, the teacher, the taxi, a friend and SO much more.
I hear a lot of moms say things like, "I'm a SAHM, there is no harder job than that.".
To me though, its not a job. I think it is what God put me on earth to do. It's a lifestyle and one I thank God for daily. I wouldn't change one single thing. I lost a lot to be a SAHM, but have gained so much being with my daughter every single day. I get "paid" with love, slobbery kisses and tight hugs. There is no better payment on this planet than that right there. It is THE most rewarding experience any of us will ever have.
So, if you're reading this and you're a SAHM, don't look at it as a job, look at it as a gift from God. Not all mothers are able to be home with there little ones, they don't have any other choice than to work.
God Bless you all and make sure you give an extra thanks to God for your family and your gift.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Milkshakes Crafts & The Park

What a day we had! Saturday is family day in the Cramer household. We normally get up and have breakfast together and head out to basically do nothing until we find something to do. We hardly ever plan anything. So today, Boo and I got up and made chicken biscuits, coffee and chocolate milk. I myself had coffee and oatmeal because of this fun healthy lifestyle I started back in March. Afterwards, she and I headed to the thrift store while Daddy took care of some things here at home. Then we all went and had lunch together and decided to go to Sonic and grab some dessert, today was my cheat day so I got a cream slush! Then we headed to the park to feed the ducks! Boo still isn't sure if she likes the ducks or not, she won't feed them by herself. After the ducks, it was off to the sprinklers in the kids play area. She had a blast!!!! I was so proud of her getting in there and playing with so many big kids running around. She walked into that sprinkler like she owned it hahaha!! Finally, it was time to come home where we decided to do a craft project with some finger paints. She loved it! All in all it as been a fun and very productive Saturday. Tomorrow is family day where we go and visit my side of the family so that will be fun filled as well. I hope you all had a fabulous Saturday with your families. Goodnight and God Bless.

My First 5K

As I rest this weekend I can't help but thinking about next Saturday, August 4, 2012. I will be participating in my first 5k race. I will be running Woodstock The Bird is the Word. I have been trying to prepare myself the best way I know how. I started in March just walking and the past month I have been incorporating running into my walk however I have the worst shin splints! To the point I ran/walked almost 2 miles last week and limped home and was in tears from the pain. My shins still hurt to the touch. I have already registered so I will be doing this race! I don't care if I come in last, I will complete it. It is a mini goal of mine and I can't let myself down.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Cramer 3

I am starting this blog as a way to keep my family and friends up to date with our lives and a way to watch my one and a half year old grow up. I know what you're thinking, "Why don't you do that with your Facebook account?" Well, I am going to attempt to delete my Facebook! OMGosh! I know, I know. Facebook takes up too much of my life that I really need to be spending on my little one. I figure if I keep a blog I can update a few times a week and do it after Kensley is in bed. SO some time in the beginning of August, after I get the hang of blogging, I will delete my Facebook. 
So, allow me to introduce  myself and my family to those of you who may be visiting my blog. I am Rachael, the mommy. I am a 26 year old Christian woman who loves God and family. I am married to my wonderful husband Kevin. We've been married for 6 years now. We have a beautiful baby girl named Kensley who will be (omgosh!) in October. We have been through a heck of a lot of crazy stuff the past few years, but we put it in the hands of God and go through the motions of life. I am happy, my family is happy and we have a roof over our head. We may not live a luxurious life, but its our life and I wouldn't change a thing.
                                                   The Cramer Clan minus my fur babies
                                                                  Kensley loves Elmo
                                                               My husband and myself
Me and my baby girl, Kensley.
                                                          This is my shih-tzu Fuzz Cakes(top)
                                                         and my "toy" Eskimo Yahna (bottom)