Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Redneck Corkscrew

Yeah, so my friend Amber and I decided we wanted a nice night of friendly chat and a glass or two....or three of wine. :-) Well, the wine I bought, unknowingly at the time, had a cork instead of a screw cap like I normally purchase. So what do southern girls do when they don't have a corkscrew? We use pliers and a screw. LOLOL Here's how that went down!

This picture is beyond embarrassing BUT too funny not to post!! 

Yep, thats how its done. LOLOL

Had to add my favorite little man. Aint he precious?


  1. Fun times! and he is the most handsome little guy in the world! :)

  2. :) That was super fun. Yes, he is.
