Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I Love Christmas Time

I recently bought a new Christmas tree. Instead of a 3ft tree I now have a 4ft! Hahahaha!!! There it was sitting in its box staring me down, so today I gave in and Boo and I put it up! We normally put up our tree Thanksgiving night but I just couldn't wait!! :) I'm one of the most impatient people I know! ;)
Boo and I had a lot of fun decorating our new tree with new ornaments. Because we, being female, out rank daddy, we made a girly tree! :D
We also decorated our fridge with an idea I saw on Pinterest. Uncommon, I know! Bwahaha
Although I LOVE Fall and the smell of pumpkin and spice I am totally buying peppermint smellies tomorrow!

I added a top hat to my refrigerator snowman! lol


  1. I LOVE your window decorations. I might be using your idea this year!! Love the fridge. It wouldnt work on mine cause mine is chalkboard now :( But its very cute. Ill have to share that!

  2. Thank you so much! It turned out better than I thought! We had a lot of fun doing it! Share away sister, thanks! Can't wait to see yours.
