Saturday, August 23, 2014


Well, it has come to my attention that I have a couple of psychos stalking/trolling/creeping my blog, so this will be my last post at this address. I will start a new blog under a different name soon.

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1John4:4 KJV

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Baby I's First Birthday Photos

So, here are the photos from my sweet little Weeman's FIRST BIRTHDAY photo shoot. His birthday isn't until August 27 but we had to do his photos at the beginning of August for his birthday invitations! And boy did they turn out cute! The bottom photos with the excavator I took yesterday. I saw it on the side of the road in such a beautiful place and knew I just had to do a shoot with it and I couldn't be happier with the way they turned out. They aren't all birthday photos, as you will see K is in some of them. I can't leave that beautiful baby girl out of a shoot. She's a natural. I guess you kind of have to be when you have had a crazy Momma with a camera in your face since the night you were born. HAHAHA! Hope you all enjoy. Have a great day. God Bless.

I Know It's Been A While........

Hello everyone! I didn't realize it had been so long since I have done a blog post, but I am here to update and mainly in pictures. I hope that is okay! ;) Not a whole heck of a lot has been happening around here just a lot of school work and preparing for my sweet little Weemans first birthday party!! As most of you know we are doing a construction theme and boy have we had a good time buying the decorations and doing his photoshoot! I will do a second post just for the photos from his shoot. You can find it right here!
K is doing SO well with her schooling! She amazes me every single day with the amount of things she is able to learn. She is doing great learning her sign language alphabet and learning her alphabet sounds and recognition and the best part is that she actually enjoys it.
Art......beautiful handprint art. 

I honestly don't believe you can have enough handprint and footprint art as your children grow

beautiful sweet girl

Silly Weeman

So handsome

She is learning her 5 senses by drawing a stick figure and then drawing "his senses". She learned so quickly using this method, and had lots of fun doing it.

I LOVE pocket charts! 

He acts silly while sissy is learning

My little cutie patootie

I hope you all have a fabulous day. God Bless.